The Smurfs

The Story:
On October 23, 1958 the Smurfs made their first appearance in "Le Journal de Spirou". At this point they were just a comic strip, but not to long after they were a hit. Figurines and collectible hit the market with strong demand, later on in the 80's it became a hit TV show. Episode after episode Gargamel along with his cat Azrael who thought mice were blue would make perilious attempts to catch them. We never found out exactly why Gargamel wanted them, I hope not to eat. Hey everybody smurf pie! I used to watch this show like every episode was the last episode. The smurfs rocked. Growing up with the smurfs was even cooler because I was never a purple dinosaur loving freak.

The Smurfs:

Papa_Smurf Papa Smurf was the ring leader, the head honcho, suspected to be over 520 y/o he was the wise and oldest smurf in smurf village. Papa smurf was the only one cool enough to wear red.
Smurfette Smurfette was the only smurf who was female, she was a failed attempt by Gargamel to lure them but it didn't work. She was finally accepted as a smurf and many quite liked her.
Brainy_Smurf Brainy Smurf was the smartest of all smurfs. When anybody had a problem they would go to him for help. He was smart because he wore glasses. He was the best at eludeing Gargamel.
Vanity_Smurf Vanity Smurf was always there for the other smurfs, but looking good was his first priority. He always wore a flower in his hat, he believed it made him more beautiful. He liked Smurfette.
Baker_Smurf Baker/Grumpy Smurf was the baker of all the smurfs, he was more often then not grumpy. This was mainly because smurfs stole his goods or ate out of turn. But he was truly a great baker!
Grouchy_Smurf Grouchy Smurf was always grouchy. Gee you couldn't tell. He would never admit to being even the slightest bit cheerful. I think the baker must have put some crumbs in his smurf pants.
Jokey_Smurf Jokey Smurf was the prankster of all the smurfs. Often getting on other people nerves. Always liked to make exploding presents, doesn't quite seem to get that that is annoying. But was otherwise a good smurf.
The Villans:

Gargamel Gargamel the man who always tried to catch the smurfs, for whatever reason. You would almost feel sorry for him with how many episodes he still hasen't caught one. Ha ha sucker. He just a big bad ogre.
Azrael Azrael the cat who thinks mice are blue. Hey, who ever said cat's were smart. Maybe the smurfs were just food for the Azrael. Could we say he's evil, I'd sure say so.
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